The Beginning

Ever since I was a little girl, I always admired the beautiful jewelry and accessories that my mother and grandmother wore. Throughout the years of building my own jewelry collection, I quickly discovered my love for delicate gold pieces. They give such a timeless and effortless look to any outfit.
I wanted to create my own pieces that will make you feel beautiful and confident. Pieces that allow you to express yourself every time you step out the door to conquer the day. There is a story told behind each handmade piece. When creating these handmade pieces, I always had someone special in my life in mind.
My goal is to not limit myself to just jewelry, but to use my love for jewelry as a starting point on this endeavor. To push myself to do something outside of my comfort zone. To provide pieces that have personal meaning to me & my loved ones. When I told my husband this idea, he automatically expressed his support. That was when I knew I wanted to name the brand, “Saraun | Two.Twenty”. A dedication to my biggest supporter + the date that is very special to us.